How Rew is surviving during Covid19 & Storm Damage


We'd shut our shop 1 week before national lock down, this is so we could co-ordinate the local volunteers with those isolating and vulnerable, we organised shopping, prescription collections our phone lines became the local helpline.

Some of you will have seen back in August our shop was badly effected by a freak storm. 

Just as we'd planned to open, the shop was flooded, we lost a percentage of our stock and lots of personal items amongst all my old college portfolio, it really has been trying times.

Our basement, which is where we create, pattern cut and store our stock is finally being ripped out to start the re-fit after all the damage.

With no more room upstairs I have needed to take desperate measures, today I took delivery of a 20ft container which is now sited on my drive, really not ideal but i'll do anything to keep trading right now.

I have many set backs this year but the support from all my customers has been immense and I am truly grateful.

Whilst clearing out and stocktaking we have found some old samples and many end of lines which tonight will be going on sale.

We are now officially back in lockdown here in Wales 23.10.2020 and my shop line is now the community help hub yet again.

I urge you all this year to support as many local and small businesses as possible.

I will be creating a blog about where I will be shopping this Christmas over the next few weeks.

THANK YOU 🙏  for all your support.

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