A little Rew ***UPDATE*** what's been happening

Year on year as REW grows older and my little business adapts yet further.

So in brief I though it was about time I update all of you REWbies who might not know much about the Rew journey so far..... 

Rew launched in 2011 after I had sat on a simple idea for years, I launched just before my 40th birthday and I have never looked back, read more here how it all started.

I'll start by apologising firstly (I am dyslexic, I am also a fly by the seat of my pants kinda gal) so I never ever get my written work proof read as I am too impatient 🙈.

Well, well what's been happening with REW ?

Firstly, I think I need to explain a little more about me, a few facts you may or may not know and what makes me tick !!!

I am now 51 years old .... jeeeeeez seeing that in print is a reality check, I am mom to Isobel and Dewey and Grandma to Rudy, Ferdy, and little miss Vivvy.

I made the life changing choice to move to Wales over 4.5 years ago and I truly love my new life in Wales.

Since moving here we have been hit by floods, the pandemic and now another renovation project (I must be mad).

small welsh cottage

small welsh cottage rew clothing

Rew - stands for "really easy wear" however it is also my initials RACHEL EMMA WRIGHT.

I am truly in a very fortunate position I absolutely love what I do, running a small business isn't easy but it is super REW-warding, I love designing and adapting silhouettes to suit all body shapes and sizes.

I do not mass produce my clothing and the reason for this ..... because I never wanted to look like everybody else, from a young age clothing was very important to me, I learnt to sew so I could make or adapt my own clothes so I wouldn't be wearing the same clothes and I could express me.

rachel rew sewing clothes

Now I want to be able to do this for you too, so small runs non mass produced means we take our time and care when making your REWS, I also buy end of line fabrics from European mills again trying to be a sustainable as possible.

I want you to wear and treasure your REWS for years and years and DO NOT SAVE THEM FOR BEST ...... WEAR WEAR WEAR !!!!

So what is next for Rew ?

I am planning a few changes and all will be revealed soon, one big change will be almost going full circle and offering a more personal service and individual design service, I'll explain more very soon I promise.

Much Love 




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